Keepin’ On Keepin’ On

Tangles on Tuesday in the Tangle a Day Calendar. Feb 4 was Koaxil which I did with a 20 minute time limit, trying to get myself to let go and just do a bit more. Feb 5th was Ah, Love You! with support from Sedgling, Zinger, Pokeleaf, Tipple, Fescue, and Festune. Feb 6th features Ionic with an assist from Popcloud.

  I’m doing half way decent on tangling daily again with the help of Jane Eileen’s Tangles on Tuesday challenge. I seem to skip about one day a week, usually when DH is home. But I just do two in the next day or two. Not having to think too much about what patterns to use seems to be working for me and bringing back the zen element.

Tangles on Tuesday in my Tangle A Day Calendar. Feb 7th is Zenvelopes, 8th, is Salo, and 9th is Bublz which always highlights how not-round my circles are! Doh!

  I have noticed though that since I’m jumping straight into the calendar pages I am a bit more frequently that I would like to admit doing a variant because “there are no mistakes.” I keep missing small little key details in the step-outs or perhaps in some cases overthinking things and messing up when I reorient my paper (something that happened in the last three days, but I haven’t photographed yet).

Tangles on Tuesday in my Tangle A Day Calendar. An close look at Feb 11th’s Heart Box and a bit of the 10th’s Flameta which I embellished further at some point after this pic.

  I’m debating if I should start practicing in a notebook first. But, that would mean I’d need to carve out more time. While I would be nice to have step-outs drawn by myself to put into Doodle Organizer I’m almost certain I wouldn’t be able to keep up. Plus, I’ve been having issues with Doodle Organizer messing up the photo/pattern pairing in the back-ups and restoring between my devices so if I were to continue down that path I’d probably need to start all over.

Some Valentine’s goodies for myself – the T’Gaal pencil sharpener that makes 5 different shaped tips on your pencils, my very first Washi tape and the 20 pack of Staedtler Triplus Fineliners.

 I splurged on myself for Valentines day and ordered some goodies (well, DH ordered the pencil sharpener). While tangential to tangling, these are actually for a new obsession that I’ve stumbled upon recently that dovetails nicely with the zentangle practice. I’ll share more about that in another post in the near future.

Published by

Kristi Sanseraser

A creative soul who thrives on learning new things. I'm a graphics designer, knit designer, hand spinner, bookbinder, photographer, baker, cook, and learning to be a zentangler.

4 thoughts on “Keepin’ On Keepin’ On”

  1. Kristi, Your “struggles” to build a daily tangle habit inspire me. I’ve been trying to do the same and keep up with composing, photography and painting/collage a la Jane Davies — totally beating myself up for not maintaining a 2-3 hours-a-day practice.

    Finding solace and hope in your 20 minute commitment. Also like the idea of keeping it all in one place. Thinking of getting music paper in small spiral-book format — handy and portable for composing when I have a few minures here and there.

    Thanks, Biff Nashville

    Sent from my iPhone



    1. Thanks Biff! I’m so happy to inspire!

      Wouldn’t you know the second I claimed being able to do so I fell off the bandwagon?!? 😦 I really struggle with maintaining any sort of practice for myself when DH is home and he has three day weekends regularly. Once I miss then I feel defeated and tend to throw in the towel. Despite having the day to myself yesterday I still didn’t tangle. I’m planning on changing that today though – I hope!


    1. Thanks so much, Tina! I need to get back at it now that the weekend is over and I can schedule my day how I wish. I totally got out of habit while DH was underfoot this weekend. That, and the new obsession has kind of eaten into my drawing time :-/

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